Bytes from AIPLA 5/28/2003May 30, 2003 The most recent news release from the AmericanIntellectual Property Law Association (May 21, 2003)includes information on new opportunities, revisionsto current laws and proposals for legislative changes.On May 22 the House Subcommittee on Courts outlined amarkup for patent and trademark filing fees under theUnited State Patent and Trademark Fee ModernizationAct of 2003.President Bush, on May 6, gave the ‘thumbs up’ on the US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, which contains a significant section on intellectual property rights and enforcement issues.Trademark owners are now able to stake their claimwith a new online domain category. The new category,ending in ‘.pro’, is being reserved specifically for professionals who meet the requirements for obtaining access to the domain. Requirements include self-certification of eligibility, and registration of identity and professional license information, which will be cross-referenced against public and third-party databases. The new domain serves as a defensive tool and is available only to trademarks registered prior to September 30, 2002.Representative Greg Walden (R-Ore.) has proposed anew bill that would amend patent infringementexemption to cover railroad cars under Section 272 ofTitle 35. The section pertains to vehicles that enterand leave the US on a regular basis.For further clarification and more information pleasecontact your intellectual property attorney. ← Return to News & Events