FOCUS: THE MECHANICAL PROSECUTION GROUP Each issue, we’re going to takea quick look at one of the areasof expertise at MVS. This month,we’d like to introduce you to ourMechanical Prosecution group.Four of the firm’s partners,Bruce McKee, a former examinerat the Patent and TrademarkOffice, Mike Voorhees, thefirm’s managing partner, MarkHansing, and Kirk Hartungserve this team. Also in thegroup are Scott Johnson […] Continue Reading →
LAW FIRM TO CHANGE NAME BUT NOT FOCUS The Intellectual propery law firm, Zarley, McKee, Thomte, Voorhees & Sease, P.L.C. announced that Don Zarley and Dennis Thomte are separating from the firm as of December 31 and the firm will change its name to McKee, Voorhees & Sease, P.L.C. as of that date.’Don bought a small law practice in the 1960’s and together […] Continue Reading →
Litigation Attorney Added Ronald Sotakrecently joined the firm to serve on the litigation team. He was admitted to bar in 1992, and also has been admitted to practice before U.S. District Courts, Northern and Southern Districts of Iowa; and 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.He got his B.A. from Salisbury State University and his law degree from Drake University […] Continue Reading →
MIT’S TECHNOLOGY REVIEW MAGAZINE TOUTS BIOTECH PATENT PROSECUTED BY OUR FIRM The May 2001 issue of MIT’sTechnology Reviewcover storyrelated five patents that itconcluded will ‘transformbusiness and technology.’One of these included UnitedStates patent 6,136,320 thatwas prosecuted by our firmon behalf of Prodigene, Inc.The patent relates to ediblevaccines and disclosed themaking of transgenic plantsthat express viral proteinsso that one could becomevaccinated simply by eatingthe plant.For example, a geneticallyengineered […] Continue Reading →
MVS ASSOCIATE CO-AUTHORS ABA BOOK John D. Goodhue, an associateat McKee, Voorhees &Sease is a co-author of thebook, Persuasive ComputerPresentations: The EssentialGuide for Lawyers, publishedby the Law P r a c t i c eManagement Section of theAmerican Bar Association.The book teaches lawyershow, when, and why to useeye-catching computer presentationsthat are heard,understood, and retained inorder to get the results theirclients […] Continue Reading →
MVS WINS $3 MILLION VERDICT On December 20, 2001, aFederal Court jury in NewYork City rendered a favorableverdict finding ourclient, William T. Pordy andCarberry Corporation’s patentvalid and willfully infringedby Land O’Lakes, awarding atotal of $3,000,000 whichincluded a verdict findingthat Land O’Lakes willfullyinfringed our client’s patent.Our client’s patent covered afat-free Half & Half coffeecreamer, and Land O’Lakes’product, Gourmet Fat-FreeHalf & Half, […] Continue Reading →
OUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION As the New Year begins so does a new era at our firm. Our resolution this year is to increase the degree of communication we have with our clients by providing noteworthy information about the firm and about the changes in intellectual property law that we think have some bearing on your day to day […] Continue Reading →
UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT VICTORY On December 10, our firmreceived a favorable decisionfrom the United StatesSupreme Court in an opinionheralded by many as the highcourt’s broad affirmation ofthe wide breadth and scopeof patentable subject matterunder 35. U.S.C. section 101.The case, in which we representedPioneer Hi-BredInternational, a DuPontcorporation, involved thepatentability of plants underthe patent statute.Pioneer sued J.E.M. AgSupply, who was alleged […] Continue Reading →
WATCH FOR OUR NEW LOOK! This past summer MVSengaged the services of amarketing firm to help usserve you better. As many ofyou know, we’ve been conductingsome client researchto determine how we cancontinue to exceed ourclients’ expectations. Thisnewsletter is just one of manyinsights that came from yourcandid comments.Over the next few months,you’re going to begin to seethe fruits of our efforts.Probably […] Continue Reading →
With The Click Of A Mouse Did you knowthat as a client of MVS, you could access the status of your portfolio of trademarks or patents on the secure MVS web site?If you would like to know more about this innovative service, please give your attorney a call and we will tell you more about it. Continue Reading →